Saturday, March 20, 2021

Take Your Life Back: How to Live in a Pre-9/11 World

If you do a quick Google search you will see many book titles that use the phrase: take your life back. It's a good phrase. It's a phrase that I think many ought to reflect on. I'm so there. I just returned from a Saturday morning breakfast trip to a restaurant in a historical section of a town next door. It's famous for it's breakfasts. The area is spackled with classic cars from the 1950s lining the streets. They are permanent fixtures. There was a time when the 50s were romanced until the retractors came along. Well, since the 50s are out of reach, how about a Pre-9/11 world?  This month is my one year anniversary of not carrying a "smart" phone. I've been carrying a dumb, flip phone. No apps. Hard-to-text. I call people and leave voice messages. Most of all: I'm present. I was fully present with my family around the breakfast table today. It was a wonderful feeling. Not checking, checking, checking, or fighting my own biological wiring and chemistry to desire a "check." Perhaps there can be a movement to ditch the addictive technology that Big Tech and our social systems pressure you to own and rule your life. Here's an idea...take back your life by reflecting on how we once lived in a pre-9/11 world. Re-innovate to simplicity, serenity, and presence.

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